Haitian People Ready For Heaven

Dear Brothers And Sisters

Haiti food crisis response:

There is a urgent need for those in crisis in Haiti - and we are able to get the funding there safely.

The money will be used for food and water for students, teacher salaries at the school, the elderly in need at the school and church.

Haitian People Ready for Heaven is a non profit Bible-centered ministry with a goal to help Haitian people come to know Jesus Christ as their Savior and help them grow in Christ-likeness by meeting their spiritual and physical needs.

In the past ten years Haiti has experienced some incredible natural disasters. In 2004 the country was hit hard by Hurricane Jeanne. That hurricane took the lives of thousands of Haitians. Gonaives was devastated with many people swept out to sea. Most of the homes were destroyed. After that hurricane there were many orphans in that area who had no one to care for them.

Three years later, in October of 2007 tropical storm Noel triggered mudslides and floods, killing at least 57 Haitians. The number of dead in this country is impossible to count or estimate. Most Haitians do not have a birth certificate. Without records, it is impossible to know how many are missing or killed.

Again in August and September of 2008 three hurricanes and tropical storms killed some 800 in Haiti, devastating crops and causing over $1 billion in damage.

The worst devastation in that country took place just a short while ago in January of 2010. A 7.0 magnitude earthquake leveled buildings in the capital city of Port au Prince. The estimated death toll from the earthquake is between 30,000 and 100,000 people. Many have been living in tents since then. There has been a great deal of work accomplished in Haiti reducing the number of homeless since then, but Haiti is not only in need because of these devastating events. Haiti has great needs every day. The majority of people in that country are homeless, and unemployment by one estimate could be as high as 70%. It is a challenge for survival.

Haiti's greatest need is the gospel. The main purpose for Haitian People Ready for Heaven is to share with the people of that land their need for the Savior. For 200 years the people of Haiti have worshipped voodoo which is the largest religion of that country. Now, the gospel is being poured out to people who are hungry for the Word of God as much as they are hungry for food. The people of Haiti need your prayers. They need to hear the gospel, and they need to see the gospel in real life. They need to understand the love of God in caring for their needs and using some of the Christians in other parts of the world. Can you help?

Are you able to help? Please read and share!

View a powerpoint presentation of a 2012 Trip To Haiti.

View a powerpoint presentation of My Mission Trip.